Swing 42 - bass solo!?
I've loved the music of Django Reinhardt since I became aware of him as a keen jazz beginner in the summer of 2005. His cheeky style...

John "Rhino" Edwards: Top 10 Moments
John ‘Rhino’ Edwards has had a varied career to say the least but is perhaps best known for being the longest-serving bass player in UK...

Powerplay - John ‘Rhino’ Edwards
John Edwards is possibly the bassist that has had most effect on my own playing - his quirky use of the upper register for his rock style...

Turnaround Idea #1
Jaco Pastorius was a big fan of practising turnaround lines (they tend to round off a chorus of jazz or blues) and making up lines that...

Arpeggio Idea #1
This week, I started working through some ideas for jazz improvisation with VERY BASIC ii V I arpeggio-based lines and I have posted three o

Improvising over a Blues
I’ve been shedding a lot of blues recently and I’ve been exploring new ways of playing over a ‘jazz 12′. I recorded one of my practice...